When we arrived at the hospital for surgery again it was once again hectic.. He surgery was scheduled for January 31st, 2010.. So after the first night the next morning we were told her surgery had been moved up to January 28th. She was to have the Bi-directional Glenn.. We got to walk her down to the OR waiting room until they took her in for her surgery.. When they took her in, once again I prayed and cried.. God keep her safe again.. This surgery was to take 4 hours again but it took much longer because of scar tissue..When the dr. came in after surgery and told us all was well I just thanked God again.. She was such a pitiful sight.. Once again my little girl was in pain..They removed the vent within 12 hours and her stats and all stayed good.. By the third day after surgery they let us walk her around. All that was left was her drainage tube..She was smiling and doing great.. And she wasn't blue anymore.. That was a proud moment.. They took her drainage tube out on day 5.. We left the hospital for home on February 4th, 2010.. Seven days after her surgery.. What a surprise that was.. We came home and once again I was scared.. But day by day we went.. She had her first check up 2 weeks after we came home and everything looked real good.. Bethanne started crawling finally.. She also started holding her breath when she cried and the cardiologist said that is because now she can, before she didn't have it in her. That in itself was scary. If she cried would she catch her breath or not. Bethanne had her 1st birthday party.. She started walking at about 15 months old.. At first she would stand and not walk.. Then one day she just took off.. We went to the cardiologist again in July 2010 and once again she is fine.. In January 2011 she was seen again for an echo and ekg and all looked great.. She is gaining weight and growing.. We will see the dr. again in July 2011 for another echo and ekg and if all is well he said 1 1/2 years.. Then it should be time for her 3rd open heart surgery which is called the fontan.. Not a day goes by that I don't pray to god to keep her safe but to also thank him for all the blessings he has given us.
She is such a beautiful child! Just a doll baby!